Keeping plastic bottles out of our oceans.

REPREVE Our Ocean® is a premium collection of fiber and resin sourced from bottles at high risk of entering the ocean.

Made with Ocean-Bound Plastic Bottles.

People around the globe are asking: How can we save our oceans from plastic pollution? We listened and came up with a meaningful way to address the problem head-on.

REPREVE Our Ocean Bottle

Ocean Pollution Crisis

By 2050, if nothing changes, plastic in the ocean will outnumber fish.

Eight million tons of plastic enter the ocean each year. About 80% of garbage falls into the ocean from the coast and most ocean plastic cannot be recycled. We took the problem back to the root cause to find a solution.

Beach rocks colorblock hero

Plastic bottles are collected by hand from areas within 50km of coastlines that do not have a formal waste or recycling system.

Nylon spool on blue background

REPREVE Our Ocean® Steps

Taking plastic bottles from coast to yarn.

Community collection is followed by bottle certification through an independent third-party organization. Next the bottles go through our REPREVE® proprietary recycle process and finally, receive our U Trust™ FiberPrint tracer technology.

Male with basklet bottles 2022 10 03

Our Ocean Partner

Certified by OceanCycle.

OceanCycle is a social enterprise focused on preventing ocean plastic pollution and improving livelihoods in coastal communities through certification and direct social interventions.

Brands Using REPREVE Our Ocean®

Meet the brands helping protect a critical eco-system.

HM Logo
Toms Logo
Quicksilver Logo

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